Monday, October 27, 2014

For what prejudice? An analysis of the character Malik in the movie Higher Learning

Malik is a black guy that thinks everyone has it easier than him. He feels that is difficult be a black in white country with white people and he feels inferior and discriminated, as if needed the help of someone always. Over time, Malik really grows up a lot because the people around him are good influences. Soon as he arrived at the university, he took the elevator, and Kristen, a white girl that was in it, hold her hand over her purse. She thought he would steal from her. Without much money, he had to run if he wanted to stay in the university, so he ran. Malik is portrayed throughout the film as running, signifying a progression from a typical gangbanger to an educated athlete.
On the track he met Deja, who later became his girlfriend, a girl that was very important in his life. He loved her. She dedicates her efforts on studying, yet manages to fulfill her role on the track team; whereas, Malik loses his motivation for schooling after being depicted as just a thoroughbred.  Deja throughout the film encourages Malik to make use of his opportunity and not to succumb to his pride.  Likewise, the ending of the film would not have brought forth the same emotions in the audience if any of the other characters had died. On the university there was many different kinds of nationalities. A lot of the white people was racists. How he don’t had any choice, he joined a group of black people where he met Fudge that taught him a lot of things about the system and the difficulties of life. Fudge enlightens Malik to the fact that all the Asian students socialize with each other, all of the white students socialize with each other, and how Malik being a black student, should congregate with the rest of the black student body.  Even though all of the students preside on the same campus, or a secondary group, the general student body breaks down into more individual primary groups. Fudge taught Malik that what he takes from him though is that he should learn for his own benefit. The point of learning is to improve yourself, not to satisfy some professor or earn a number. During the film, many times Malik is shown asking for someone`s opinion on what course of action he should take.  For example, at the end of the film, Dr. Phipps tells Malik on how impressed he is on the improvement of Malik’s paper, especially through all of the tragedies.  Malik asks Dr. Phipps on what does he think the right course of action would be regarding Malik’s future.  Malik is characterized as a person who needs the reassurance of someone else to ensure that he is on course.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Why computer science?

Choosing a profession was not a difficult task, since I was a little boy I knew what I wanted to my life. It all started when I was born. I was born in a small town and lived in a farm that didn`t have electrical energy. When I turned 7 years old, my family and I moved to a big city, where my brother was living, to try a new life. Sometime after I arrived there, my brother bought a used computer and I liked it so much, because I didn`t have electrical energy before, so when I saw that working, I was amazed. I started use the computer when my brother was left for work and started discovering everything on the computer. Many time I broke it and my brother was very angry with me, but I learned how to use it and at that moment I decided that was what I wanted to my life. With 10 years old I could fix it and format. When I was 16 years old, I was on the high school, but my family was in a difficult situation and I had to abandon my studies to work. When I was 18 years old I joined the army, it was a difficult and very important in my life, I could rethink all my life and when I left the army I was decided to come back to study and do what I always wanted to my life. I finished my studies and applied to a public university. I was approved in a federal university and now I`m almost finishing my course. Computer Science.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Children Of Future

Beforetime the kids used to play in the streets, playgrounds and backyards, spent all day with their friends, now with the advancement of technology and the creation of many devices, the kids prefer to stay home with their electronic devices.
Until the 80s the technology was in process of evolution and the only media available were radio, television and newspaper. Wherefore the people used to visit more his friends and the children gathered and were playing in the backyard. After school the kids threw their school materials on the table and ran to the street to meet their neighbors and friends to play many types of games that were passed from generation to generation.
Today, new technologies were discovered, many types of devices were created and the kids grow up surrounded by technology. They are wasting a lot of time playing videogames, surfing on the net and using their cellphones. They usually no longer play in the streets, prefer to stay in home playing videogame alone, using the computer or even watching TV.

The evolution of technology is very important and greatly facilitated the tasks of day-to-day, but is important to have control, especially children, because it is important that they have contact with other children for play and not spend all day using technologies. They have to enjoy their childhood because it is a very important phase of their lives, they can learn much more living with each other than in front of the computer, they have to be kids.